Monday 20 February 2012

Certification of Coffees

Certifications that are offered for Coffees which will obtain premium price in the International market. They are as follows:
1.       Organic - Create a verified sustainable agriculture system that produces food in harmony with nature, supports biodiversity and enhances soil health.

2.       Fair Trade Certified - Support a better life for farming families in the developing world through fair prices, direct trade, community development and environmental stewardship.

3.       Rainforest Alliance - Integrate biodiversity conservation, community development, workers’ rights and productive agricultural practices to ensure comprehensive sustainable farm management.

4.       Smithsonian Bird Friendly® - Conduct research and education around issues of neo-tropical migratory bird populations, promoting certified shade coffee as a viable supplemental habitat for birds and other organisms.

5.       Utz Certified - UTZ CERTIFIED’s mission is to achieve sustainable agricultural supply chains, where: Producers are professionals implementing good practices which enable better businesses, livelihoods and environments; The Food industry takes responsibility by demanding and rewarding sustainably grown products; Consumers buy products which meet their standard for social and environmental responsibility.

6.       4 C Common Code - Achieve global leadership as the baseline initiative that enhances economic, social and environmental production, processing and trading conditions to all who make a living in the coffee sector.

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