Saturday, 4 February 2012

Welcome to Coffee Nirvana

Have a great pleasure in welcoming you to Coffee Nirvana blog, this is a place dedicated totally to share & talk anything about beverage and on some instances about food, when you say of beverages immediately the first thing that comes to our mind is the fresh aroma of filter coffee that hit your senses every day morning, serve the daily dose of caffeine and making you refreshing & whole day fresh.

Just feel of holding a cup of freshly brewed filter coffee in one hand and enjoying every slurp of the drink while peeping to your newspaper is a heavenly pleasure which have no words to explain but to experience for your self.

Come on don’t get carried away, in this blog we are not going to talk only about our world famous filter coffee but also about other forms and much importantly about coffee as a whole, their market, daily happenings, their impact on the environment (eco system, producer, intermediates & consumers), equipments, people, certifications and much, much more………………..

This is a platform where much knowledge sharing and discussions should and will take place. We also welcome your valuable inputs and impart of knowledge about the beverages that you love to share with our beloved coffeizens. We want bring this blog as a coffee encyclopedia